text generator


Friday, December 31, 2010

GO0D BYE 2010....

Sunday, December 26, 2010

~tAkE My hEArt~ f0R me itS SwEEt

s0me quick & Easy swEet tHiNgs t0 sAy.. :)

"When giving her a dozen roses, 11 real and 1 fake, say "I will love you until the last rose dies."

"Last night I looked up into the stars and matched each one with a reason why I love you. I was doing great until I ran out of stars"

"If you held up 11 roses into a mirror, you’d be looking at 12 of the most beautiful things in the world."

"They say a picture tells 1,000 words but when I see yours all I see is 3: I...love...you"

"You are my bestfriend, my shoulder to lean on, the one person I know I can count on, you're the love of my life, you're my one and only, you're my everything"

" I love you so much"

" I love you till death, and then some"

" I could hold you forever"

" Meeting you is the best thing that ever happened to me"

"If you were a tear in my eye, I wouldn't cry for fear of losing you."

"If I had a rose for every time I thought of you I'd be walking in a garden forever."

I wish someone would say that to me (^_^) s0 sweet.. (:

Saturday, December 25, 2010

wAnNa Lebiu...

It's must be because i'm a fool girl..
It's must be ok even it's hurt..
even if u tease me that it's a foolish love..
Because i'm such a helpless fool..
I want to be good to him..
It's enough to make me happy..
Even if he smiles at me once,
i'm happy with that smile..
Until the end of my life,
i'm just going to stay by his side..
It's a love that make me happy..
So, i won't not wish for anything more..
In a place where he can always reach me if he holds out his hand..
In a place where i can always hear him if he calls out to me..
In a place where i can be by his side all the time he need me..
I will stay there without any change..
Because i love him....

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


ch00se the either one....
make ourselves happy or miserable...

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Walk With My Life............

Rasa cam dah lama x beli kasut but i think dah beli a m0nth a g0 k0t...hahaa.. pmpuan besa la, suka sh0pink2 kan but f0r me, lebih suka abehkan duit beli kasut dr baju2 cantik, handbag or apa2 ja sebab A Pair of Sh0es p0wn can make me happy..hee.... Kal0 dapat d0k kat kdai kasut mmg best lah.. Kal0 ley nak try smua kasut...hee :)

cita pasai kasut ni, ada sjenis kasut yg cntik sgt.... serius suka sgt teng0k... Stilett0.... Kat cni da la c0nt0h2 stilett0...

tp kan.........lam byk2 stilett0 tu la kan...paling suka tg0k yg ni... itam putih... cam cntik ja.. suit kal0 nak match dgn baju wana apa2 ja.. tpnya xpndai pakai lg kasut2 camni...hahaa... tp lantakla..kal0 dpt yg ni 1 puas hati dah..uhuhuu..