text generator


Friday, May 27, 2011

love me for who i am

Boy: I broke up with her.

His Best Friend: What happened?

: She’s just too much for me.

His Best Friend: What makes you say that? What did she do wrong?

Boy: Well, for one.. She only cared about her appearance. Always had to look good, always took forever to get dressed! So insecure..

His Best Friend
: So, you broke her heart because she wanted to keep your eyes locked on her? She wanted you to see that you have the prettiest girl under your sleeve and not think otherwise? I see..

: Oh.. Well.. She’d often call me or text me asking where I am, who I’m with, telling me not to smoke, not to drink. She’s so clingy!

His Best Friend: So, you broke her heart because she cares about your well being? Because she cares about you a lot? And her greatest fear is losing you. I see..

: But.. Uhh.. Well, she’d always cry when I say something slightly mean. She can’t handle anything. She’s a crybaby!

His Best Friend
: So, you broke her heart because she has feelings? And because she just wanted to hear you say you love her? I see..

Boy: I.. Well! You know, she’d get jealous easily. I could barely talk to other girls! She’s so annoying! I had to hide it from her so she wouldn’t bitch about it.

His Best Friend
: So, you broke her heart because she just wanted you to commit to her? She thought you were faithful, but you lied so she could find out later and hurt even more? She just wanted the guy she loves the most to love only her. I see..

: Well, she..

His Best Friend
: You broke up with her because she’s good for you? She just wanted the best for you? She’s broken now because you were selfish. Are you proud?

Boy: I broke her heart.. Because I couldn’t see what was happening.. What happened to me?

His Best Friend: You lost the girl that loved you like no one else could. Sometimes the person you really need is the one you didn't think you wanted. You see? You didn’t want her when all she ever wanted was you. THAT’S what happened.

Girl : Never be sad for what is over,
                just be glad that it was once yours.
            : The pain of having a broken heart
                is not so much as to kill you,
                yet not so little as to let you live.
            You'll never feel for me what i feel for you.
                you will never see me the way i see you.
                But you'll always hurt me the way i never hurt you.

<i will never be important to you
  like you are to me>

p/s : For boys out there,
        take it as a lesson,
        don't treat any girl easily.

P/s : Cerita ini adalah rekaan semata-mata

Thursday, May 26, 2011

happy kembali :)

25 mei 2011 agak sedih..hahaa poyo...
but 26 mei sangat happy...
happy sebab pe??
sebab sronok dapat tawaran je...
excited pulak bila baca tawaran pdahal bukan nak pown...hahaa..
ya allah..syukur alhamdulillah sebab allah bagi pluang tuk rasa happy gila :) excited bila baca..hehee

step 1

step 2

step 3

step 4

step 5

yeahhh!!! ok done :)

if u have no confidence in self,
u are twice defeated in the race of life...
with confidence, 
u have won even before u start :)
i'm confidence with my choice :)))

* i am who i am,
   i like what i like,
   i love who i love,
   it's my life :) *

tayah nak d.o.w.n sangat la... :P

sangat bengong dan bangang....
kau bodoh ke atie??
> eh tak lah, careless je kot..
> mungkin tak serius...
> mungkin kau suka buang masa...
> mungkin jugak semua kemungkinan..hahaa

* orang lain dah makin maju..
* tetiba kau atie?? dok DOWN sorang2 wat menda..
* orang lain dah sampai ke sberang laut..
* kau atie?? dok hegeh2 kat sberang sungai lagi...haha..

< atieeee..... it's not the end of your life.
< ada 3 sem lagi bole catch up... go..go chaiyok....

apa-apa pown untuk ari yg sgt sadis ni thanx kepada yg mnenangkan hati atie ari ni :)

^ thanx to all my family yg tak putus2 bagi smangat baru..
   thanx sgt2 abah, mama, cik, teh, acu, pak tam,
   pak ngah, mak ngah, pak cik n smua2 lah...
   uolss r the best in the world..

^ thanx sgt tuk abg yat, my abg spupu a.k.a my idola..
   owg ingat abg yat pesan jangan takot,
   benda antara mau dgn tak mau sj.. i will, thanx abgku :)

^ thanx izzuddin sebab sentiasa ada dgn kakak :)

^ thanx puan nurul, lecterur a.k.a PA kelas
   sbb bg kata2 semangat, btl ckp puan,
   apa yg kita dapat bukan sgala-galanya,
   yg penting kita tawu nak gunakan ilmu tu..
   tima kasih puan :) 
   tengah malam pown sudi dok mlayan im dgn atie kat fb....

^ thanx en.hasnan sebab sedapkan hati saya..hehee

^ thanx jugak kak jia sbb cool kan atie dr tengah hari td,
   kak jia tanya every sem dekan,
   knapa sem ni atie ckit, cuba atie calculate smula.. 
   xpela kak jia trun ckit je, atie redha..
   jnji dgn kak jia lpas ni kena pulun naikkan balik...yeaahh...

^ thanx kakakku syg ojai sbb 24 jam sentiasa ada with me,
   x henti pujuk, bebel dan kuatkan smangat owg...

^ thanx izon kimie tuk smua bebelan
  dan kutukan izul tu..lalalaaa..

^ thanx jugak tuk qbal, zakwan n lain2...

^ thanx qila for your care, atie syg qila, atie hepi tuk qila,
   qila jgn isau pasal atie sgt ok,
   kita sama2 dpt good result kan :)

^ bsyukur sgt sbb ramai yg care pasal kau atie,
   thanx jgk kpd yg x sempat nak highlight lam ni...

sometimes days r not actually so bad :)
   but our mind make us feel bad :( 
     I have realized something today,
   no matter how hard we try to plan  our life,
   life has a plan for us on its own.......*

* Let the right one in, Let the old dreams die,
   Let the wrong ones go*

   better than not trying at all,
   if u dun try, u will regret it for your life*

as a conclusion,
today 25 mei 2011 memang tade lah d.o.w.n sangat..hehe..
mak cik siap buatkan baju kurung baru lagi as a present,
thanx auntie :)
apa2 p0wn syukur alhamdulillah lulus semua subjek ..
alhamdulillah sangat sebab result still maintain tidak dirosakkan
oleh makhluk yg bnama "C"..hahaa..
tapi 28 mei ni i'm going back to sri iskandar
dgn semangat yg baru, azam yg baru, atie yg baru
insyaallah ... :)

Thursday, May 12, 2011

The Journey of LOVE

Once there was a girl, she was looking for her true love. Year after year she travelled the world, searching for her knight on the white horse. As the years went by, and her true love have not appeared.

One day, a young man touched by her sad story, and he decided to be that one to enter her heart. He travelled after her, chasing her state after state, country after country, city after city. Sometimes she was heading him only by a few blocks, sometimes by kilometres of sea. They both kept looking for each other.

The years had past, the young man no longer so young, though his heart never turn him down and he kept going. She herself also have kept searching for the one who chased her without knowing her true love actually chasing her.

People said, the girl have not change a bit since her first step in her journey. No one knew how old she is but based on their stories told that she have not changed at all almost as a curse lying on her not letting her age until she find the one she really love.

After almost 10 years of chasing, both of them finally met. As she saw him, she knew he is the one. He himself, was not sure how she looks like at all. All he knew is her name and her story. As she stepped near him making the space smaller and smaller. With shiny eyes which it said it was almost as a mad eyes, she told him her name. He knew it right away because she is the one he was chasing after all these years.
He dropped to his knees and started to cry knowing she has finally find him. He cried till dawn, as she hold him with love and trust.

Next morning, the man was found dead. He was found with a letter in his hand, the letter was dedicated to the girl : 

This letter is for you, for the girl that i chasing for the several years ago, the girl that i chased to live with me for the rest of my life. I love you enough to fight for you and sacrifice myself for you if need be. Enough to miss you incredibly when we are apart, no matter what length of time it's for and regardless of the distance. Enough to spend the rest of my life with you, be there for you when you need and never ever want to leave you or live without you. After this i may not see u again, i may not get to hold you but deep in my heart i truly know that you are the only one that i love.....

Monday, May 9, 2011

i will

Girl : Am I pretty?
Boy : NO..

Girl : Do you want to be with me forever?
Boy : NO..

Girl : Would you cry if I walked away?
Boy : NO.

She heard enough, and was hurt.
She walked away, tears ran down her face.
The boy grabbed her arm.

Boy : You are not pretty, you are beautiful. I don't want to be with you forever, bc0z I NEED to be with you forever. And I wouldn't cry if you walked away, bcoz I would DIE for it..

Boy : Please? Stay with me.
Girl  : I will..

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mothers Day History

Sebahagian besar negara-negara yang 
merayakan Hari Ibu akan sambut dalam bulan MeiPada hari inisemua Ibu akan disambut, diberi hadiah dan perhatian istimewa dari keluarga dan orang-orang yang disayangi.

Mungkin ramai yang tidak tahu dari mana asal-usulnya hari ibu :

Spiritual Asal Hari Ibu
Hari Ibu iaitu amalan untuk menghormati ibu yang berasal dari zaman kuno masa lalu yang biasanya memiliki simbolik dan spiritual yang kuat. Pada zaman ini, masyarakat cenderung untuk merayakan dewi-dewi dan sebagai simbol daripada Ibu yang berasal dari dewa perempuan mitologis kepada Gereja Kristian.

Dewi Isis iaitu sejarah awal Mesir merupakam salah satu catatan sejarah awal masyarakat untuk merayakan dewa Ibu yang dapat ditemui di antara orang Mesir kuno, yang mengadakan festival tahunan untuk menghormati Dewi Isis.

Setelah saudara Isis, suami Osiris telah disembelih dan dipotong-potong dalam 13 potongan oleh saudara yang cemburu iaitu Seth, kemudian Isis mengumpulkan tubuh Osiris' yang telah dipotong tadi dan menggunakannya untuk hamil sendiri. Dia kemudian melahirkan Horus, Isis terpaksa bersembunyi di antara buluh supaya tidak diketahui dan dijumpai oleh Seth.  Horus membesar dan mengalahkan Seth dan seterusnya menjadi penguasa pertama dari Mesir. Jadi Isis mendapat gelaran sebagai Ibu dari fir'aun. 

Festival Isis juga dirayakan oleh bangsa Rom iaitu sebagai acara untuk memperingati pertempuran yang penting dan sebagai tanda awal Musim Sejuk. Festival Isis diadakan di kuil Rom, dan festival ini berlangsung selama tiga hari dan dihiburkan oleh perempuan, penyanyi dan penari. Namun sejarah Rom, iaitu Hari Ibu ditemui dalam perayaan dewi Cybele Frigia, atau Magna Mater (Great Ibu). Cybele berasal dari Rhea, Dewi Yunani, yang merupakan Ibu sebahagian besar dewa utama termasuk Zeus.

Sejarah hari ibu juga dikenalpasti sebagai perayaan musim bunga untuk masyarakat Greece, iaitu sebagai penghormatan kepada Rhea, ibu kepada tuhan mereka.
Pada tahun 1600 orang-orang England merayakan hari yang mereka namakan sebagai "Mothering Sunday".  "Mothering Sunday" dirayakan pada hari Ahad keempat setiap Lent. Lent adalah tempoh masa selama 40 hari samada dalam bulan Februari atau Mac. Dalam tempoh ini, sebahagian orang-orang Kristian akan berhenti melakukan atau memakan makanan tertentu atas alasan agama. Amalan tersebut adalah sebagai penghormatan mereka terhadap Mother Mary. Mother Mary adalah Maryam, ibu kepada Nabi Isa Alaihissalam atau Jesus yang mereka anggap sebagai tuhan.
Dalam tempoh tersebut juga, kebanyakan rakyat England yang faqir dan miskin, akan bekerja sebagai pembantu rumah. Mereka sanggup keluar meninggalkan keluarga kerana percaya bahawa Jesus akan memberikan kekayaan dan kesenangan dalam tempoh tersebut. Menjelang hari Ahad, mereka digalakkan untuk bercuti oleh majikan, dan pulang ke kampung untuk bertemu dengan ibu. Setiap ibu akan dihadiahkan dengan Mothering Cake atau kek hari ibu sempena perayaan tersebut.
Amalan dan tradisi ini menular ke seluruh dunia dan ia kini disambut sebagai penghormatan kepada Mother Church. Mother Church dianggap sebagai kuasa spiritual yang agung yang memberi manusia kehidupan dan memullihara mereka dari sebarang kecederaan. Sejak dari itu, perayaan Mothering Sunday telah dicampur dengan upacara kegerejaan. Orang kristian akan menghiasi gereja mereka dengan permata, bunga dan hiasan-hiasan yang lain kerana mereka menjadikan gereja sebagai tempat untuk org kristian beribadah. Penghormatan mereka terhadap ibu sama taraf dengan penghormatan mereka terhadap gereja.
Di Amerika Syarikat, Hari Ibu disambut seawal 1872 yang dicadangkan oleh Julia Ward Howe. Beliau adalah seorang aktivis sosial dan telah menulis puisi " The Battle Hymn of The Republic" (TBHoTR). TBHoTR telah dijadikan lagu patriotik yang popular di kalangan warga Amerika. Ungkapan "Hallelujah" dalam lagu tersebut menaikkan lagi sentuhan Yahudi dan Zionis dalam mengawal politik dunia.
Pada tahun 1907 Anna Jarvis dari Philadelphia telah memulakan kempen untuk melancarkan Hari Ibu. Beliau telah berjaya mempengaruhi Mother's Church di Grafton, West Virginia untuk meraikan Hari Ibu pada hari ulang tahun kedua kematian ibunya, iaitu pada hari Ahad kedua dalam bulan Mei. Semenjak dari itu, Hari Ibu dirayakan saban tahun di Philadelphia.
Anna Jarvis dan semua pengikutnya telah menulis surat kepada menteri, golongan peniaga dan ahli-ahli politik agar Hari Ibu disambut secara meluas di seluruh wilayah. Matlamat mereka telah berjaya sepenuhnya pada tahun 1911 apabila hari tersebut disambut oleh hampir keseluruhan rakyat Amerika. Pada tahun 1914, Presiden Woodrow Wilson, secara rasminya telah mengisytiharkan Hari Ibu sebagai Hari cuti umum dan mesti di raikan pada setiap hari Ahad kedua dalam bulan Mei. Biarpun sebahagian besar negara-negara di dunia menyambutnya pada hari yang berlainan, tetapi negara seperti Denmark, Finland, Itali, Turki, Australia, dan Belgium masih merayakannya pada setiap hari Ahad kedua dalam bulan Mei.

Mungkin ramai antara kita tertanya-tanya macam mana kita nak sambut hari ibu, nak raikan ibu untuk kenang jasa dan pengorbannannya... jadi, tak perlu ada satu hari yang khas untuk itu, setiap hari kita boleh hargai jasa ibu kita, tak perlu nak tunggu setahun sekali.. :)

Friday, May 6, 2011


~Bruno Mars : Talking To The Moon~

I know you’re somewhere out there
Somewhere far away
I want you back
I want you back
My neighbors think I’m crazy
But they don’t understand
You’re all I have
You’re all I have
At night when the stars
Light on my room
I sit by myself
Talking to the moon, tryin’ to get to you
In hopes you’re on the other side talking to me too
Oh, am I a fool who sits alone talking to the moon
I’m feeling like I’m famous
The talk of the town
They say I’ve gone mad
Yeah, I’ve gone mad
But they don’t know what I know
‘Cause when the sun goes down
Someone’s talking back
Yeah, they’re talking back
At night when the stars
Light on my room
I sit by myself
Talking to the moon, tryin’ to get to you
In hopes you’re on the other side talking to me too
Oh, am I a fool who sits alone talking to the moon
Do you ever hear me calling?
‘Cause every night
I’m talking to the moon, still tryin’ to get to you
In hopes you’re on the other side talking to me too
Oh, am I a fool who sits alone talking to the moon
I know you’re somewhere out there
Somewhere far away

Each time i miss u,
a star falls down
from the sky!

If u looked up at the sky,
and found it dark
with no stars,

It is all your fault!!
u made me miss u
too much!!!!

Talking to the moon, tryin’ to get to you
In hopes you’re on the other side talking to me too
I know you’re somewhere out there
Somewhere far away

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

i L.O.V.E. u

 you more than yesterday but nothing is compared to tomorrow !
 you more than I have ever loved anyone in the world !
 you more than I have ever felt !

 you more than I love my own self !
 you when I'm happy !
 you when I'm sad !
 you when I'm kinda feeling mad !
 you when you're near or when you are far away !
 you more each day bc0z I'm glad I got you !

BUT !!

Never say  you if you don't really care !
Never talk about feelings if they aren't really there !

Never hold my hand if you are gonna break my heart !
Never say you are going to if you don't plan to start !
Never look into my eyes if you are gonna make me cry!
If you really mean forever than say you'll try !
Never say forever if forever is just a lie !!!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

just a story between muslim n n0ne...

"Kenapa orang Islam sembah bangunan kain hitam tu?"
 "Oh.. itu Kaabah atau nama lainnya Baitullah"

"Baitullah tu apa?"
"Secara terjemahan mudah maknanya Rumah Allah"

"Allah ada dalam tu?"
 "Tak ada.."

"Jadi, kenapa sembah bangunan tu kalau Allah tak ada dalam tu?"
 "Yang saya sembah bukannya bangunan tu.."

"Kamu sembah apa?"
 "Saya sembah Allah swt"

"Jadi, kenapa sembah bangunan tu?"
 "Saya menghadap sahaja ke arah Kaabah sbagai kiblat tetapi saya tak sembah Kaabah.."

"Bukankah kamu sujud ke arah Kaabah, maknanya kamu sembah Kaabah.."

"Kamu pernah tgk perlawanan bola dalam TV?"
 "Pernah.. selalu.."

"Kamu tengok tv ke tengok perlawanan bola?"
 "Tengok perlawanan bola la.."
 "Di mana?"
 "Dalam tv la.."

"Cuba buka tv tu, tengok di dalamnya ada stadium dan perlawanan bola ke tak.."
 "Memanglah tak da.. tapi gambarnya ada kan.."
 "Bukalah dalam tv, tengok ada ke tak gambar perlawanan bola dalam tu.."

 "Maknanya kamu tengok tv, bukan perlawanan bola.. betul tak?"
 "Tak.. aku tengok perlawanan bola la melaui tv tu.."

 "Sebab apa pulak pelik?"
 "Ye la, kau cakap tengok perlawanan bola, sedangkan aku tengok dalam tv tu tak ada apa-apa.. yg ada hanya wayar je berselirat.."
 "Memanglah dalam tv tu ada banyak wayar, tapi tv tu menayangkan gambar-gambar perlawanan bola dalamnya.."

"Hurm.. jadi tak peliklah ni..?"
 "Ya.. tak pelik.."

"Jadi tak pelik jugalah aku sujud ke arah Kaabah untuk menyembah Allah swt.. walau pun dalam Kaabah tak ada Allah.."
 "Erk.. kau betul.."